Donders Institute, Nijmegen
Maie Zörner

Hi! I am Maie and in the context of my final year in the cognitive neuroscience master's program of the Donders institute, I am doing an internship at the CANLab. Under the supervision of Dr. Lisa Wirz, I am currently involved in the TRuSt project. Using functional neuroimaging we aim to investigate the effects of cognitive reappraisal training, and acute stress, on emotion regulation. I also get to help out in a pharmacological study looking into the roles of stress hormones in the temporal dynamics of memory representations (ORA projects).
The research topics which captivate me the most are at the intersections of cognitive neuroscience and stress-related psychopathology. Having a background in the field of psychology, I hope to conduct research that both gives insights into neural mechanisms of disease and also aids the development of evidence-based treatment options. That’s why I am very excited to be a part of the CANLab!
In my free time, I can usually be found catching up with friends, a good book, or unwinding in nature. I also love trying my hand at DIY arts & crafts projects even when arguably lacking some talent.
Kapittelweg 29
6525 EN Nijmegen
The Netherlands -