Sophie Bögemann

PhD Candidate

My main research interest is stress resilience. I want to understand why some people have better mental health than others, while dealing with stressful situations. I am specifically interested in the neural correlates of resilience.

For my PhD, I am part of the multidisciplinary DynaMORE team. DynaMORE aims to promote stress resilience and improve mental health and well-being in the face of adversity. To do so, we monitor healthy at-risk individuals during stressful life phases, while we collect psychological, behavioural, neural, and physiological markers. We then apply advanced mathematical modelling to identify key risk indicators and resilience factors. We hope to generate a computational model of stress resilience, which we will use it as a basis for developing a novel mobile health product for the primary prevention of stress-related disorders.

I obtained my Bachelor’s degree in Psychobiology and my Master’s degree in Cognitive Neurobiology at the University of Amsterdam. I obtained my second Master’s degree in Neuroscience and Neuroimaging, studying at both Aarhus University and the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences. During my studies, I got the opportunity to work on research projects in various labs (NIN, Amsterdam; DRCMR, Copenhagen; UMC Amsterdam; CAS, Beijing).

After having lived in Amsterdam, Copenhagen, and Beijing, I realised that Nijmegen is the place to be for some real fun!


  • Kapittelweg 29
    Room 02.269
    6525 EN Nijmegen
    The Netherlands
  • Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition and Behaviour
    Radboud University Medical Center
    P.O. Box 9101
    6500 HB Nijmegen
    The Netherlands
  • (+31) 024 36 14305
  • @SophieBogemann