Vera Winters


I am a 4th year bachelor student biomedical sciences at the RadboudUMC, completing my bachelor with an internship here at the DCCN. I minored in translational neuroscience and stress-related disorders. This got me very interested in the underlying mechanisms of psychopathology and stress-related disorders. Now I got the opportunity to work at the CAN-lab and start working on the ‘Cortisol voor PTSS’ (CovoS) study, trying to look at the connection between early-life adversity and HPA-axis dysregulation in patients with PTSD. With the aim to improve and personalize treatment options in PTSD patients with HPA-axis dysregulation with administration of glucocorticoid to improve fear extinction.

In my free-time I like spend a lot of time with my friends, talking, having a drink or walking though the city. Once or twice a week I have gymnastics training or go I’ll for a run! I also enjoy crocheting, reading a book, and drawing.


  • Kapittelweg 29
    6525 EN Nijmegen
    The Netherlands
  • Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition and Behaviour
    Radboud University Medical Center
    P.O. Box 9101
    6500 HB Nijmegen
    The Netherlands