Samantha Hermsen


My bachelor's degree is in Biology and Medical Laboratory Research, obtained at the HAN. During my bachelor's degree, I spent a year as an intern at MSD Boxmeer. My previous internship involved two projects; the first was developing a multiplex assay for testing the quality of vaccines using Luminex technology. In the second project, we were tasked with improving shelf life conditions for coupled antibodies with a secret product! Currently I am studying the Masters medical biology with a specialization in human biology.

In addition to studying, I live with my partner in a fun, yet chaotic environment, together we take care of a two-year-old daughter and a 16-year-old son. My hobby of going to the gym "whenever I have time and enough energy" has recently come back into my life. Modern dance and pole dancing are also hobbies that should be restarted again. Hopefully, in the future this is possible, since dancing is my true passion.


  • Kapittelweg 29
    Room 01.160
    6525 EN Nijmegen
    The Netherlands
  • Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition and Behaviour
    Radboud University Medical Center
    P.O. Box 9101
    6500 HB Nijmegen
    The Netherlands
  • @SamanthaHermse1