Donders Institute, Nijmegen
Tim Vriens
Visiting PhD Candidate

My main research interest s are in computational modelling, decision-making, motivation, and machine-learning. Currently, I am combining these interests in my PhD in the Computational and Translational Neuroscience lab, at the Instituto di Scienze e Technologie della Cognizione in Rome, where I aim to apply different computational modelling approaches to improve classification of disorders, using behavioral data from an effort-based decision-making paradigm.
I obtained two bachelor degrees, in Biomedical sciences and Mathematics. During these programs, I became interested in the workings of the brain, and decided to join the Cognitive Control lab for my internship, investigating prediction error and error prediction in an EEG-fMRI study. Afterwards, I followed a Master’s program in Cognitive Neuroscience, where I joined the Cognitive Affective Neuroscience lab under supervision of Dr. Eliana Vassena during my research internship. During this internship, I investigated the effects of stress on effort-based decision-making. When I finished my internship, I continued to work in the Cognitive Affective Neuroscience lab as a research assistant.
During my PhD, I am involved in some of the projects I worked on previously in the Cognitive Affective Neuroscience lab. Mainly, I am collaborating on a study continuing the analysis on the data I collected during my research internship, using computational modelling.
Kapittelweg 29
6525 EN Nijmegen
The Netherlands -
Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition and Behaviour
Radboud University Medical Center
P.O. Box 9101
6500 HB Nijmegen
The Netherlands